beni bischof

"Pedigree Meta Dash"
The installation shows parallels between animals and humans. Animal behavior is transferred to humans and rendered in exaggeration. Animal scenes serve as allegories for human behavior, which is thus relativized and polemicized.
The installation is a media mix of works done specifically for the exhibition and existing works restaged. With drawings, inkjet prints, photographs, objects, paintings and others an exaggerated condition is created. “Pedigree Meta Dash” is a confused accumulation of grotesque, ironic, absurd images and objects.
"Deceit and bluff are widespread in the animal kingdom and seem to be of substantial value for survival."
"Angry chimpanzees even bristle the hair of their entire body and then seem much bigger and intimidating."
"Termites make use of chemical agents. Some species even have nasute soldiers which can spit glue through their pointed mandibles as if from a tube. This sticks together the antennae and legs of attacking ants."
"Since bunker mentality is not for everyone, and especially flying animals cannot carry with them a heavy carapace, some of the haunted have developd to chemists and poisoners. The bombardier beetle is one of the best examples of this. In two separate "tanks" it keeps two fluids which are inoffensive each on its own. If in danger, however, it lets them mix together in a kind of reaction chamber. They then react by exploding and create a jet of more than 100ºC that can be aimed at enemies. This mechanism resembles the processes in a rocket engine."
"One of the oldest hunting methods is setting up traps or simply lurking in an ambush."
"Birds of prey do not sing."
"As a last resort there remains the possibility to play dead."
Quotes from "Wie die Tiere ihr Leben meistern" (How Animals Cope With Their Lives), Silva-Verlag, 1989
I’m a Swiss artist working and living in the East of Switzerland in a small city called Saint Gallen (one hour from Zurich). I’m painting, drawing, making collages and zines and artistbooks the whole day. I’m 32 years old. Saint Gallen is a really small city and somehow it’s boring. But something boring has something melancholic and I like that. Often the Babbitts in the small city make me very angry and it’s one of the most important reasons to make art… Lawrence Weiner also said: “all art is made from anger” – that is also a very important fact about me and my work. Maybe even a golden thread.
I like working at my table or sitting in front of my canvas doing something “senseless”. I love my work and I’m a passionate worker with a super tunnel vision. I don’t wanna miss an hour of thinking about my work, especially to complete my work. I use all my force in the hope that maybe one day I’ll reach my aims (which I’m not really able to describe…) and be content with the results – but I think that will never happen…