a group show spanning two spaces
Perla-Mode, Langstrasse 84 / Brauerstrasse 37, 8004 Zurich
Dienstgebäude, Weichengasse 4, 8004 Zürich.
9-25 April 2010
Artists: bankleer, Sabina Baumann, Beni Bischof, eggerschlatter, Christian Eisenberger, Klara Hobza, huber.huber, Line Skywalker Karlstrøm, Jakob Lena Knebl, Flo Maak, Lin May, Silke Nowak, Evi Rüsseler, Hans Scheirl, Gisèle Schindler, Bertold Stallmach, Jens Ullrich, Nives Widauer.
“Ich Tier! (Du Mensch)” at Perla-Mode: Dimitrina Sevova
“Du Tier! (Ich Mensch)” at Dienstgebäude: Cathérine Hug, Isabel Reiss
Special events in collaboration with corner college and corner cinema:
- Friday, 9 April, 7 pm: performance Social Disorder and a World Turned Upside Down by eggerschlatter for the opening, Friday, 9 April, 7 pm; the audience and passersby are invited to actively participate in hauling two workhorses from Perla-Mode to Dienstgebäude and back, connecting the two spaces through a procession along Langstrasse
- Saturday, 10 April, 8 pm: movie screening of After Effect by Stephan Geene
- Friday, 23 April, 7:30 pm: video / live performance by Mirjam Hofmann: HUMANDOG - If you want to know what is human you have to approach it on all four
- Sunday, 25 April, 7 pm: lecture by Judith Jack Halberstam: Creative Anthropomorphism - animal forms of sociality and cross species desires
- Wednesdays, 14 and 21 April, 6 pm till late: bar and small talk at Perla-Mode, with a surprise program (9 pm: experimental feature movie)
Friday, 9 April, 6 pm: Opening night with DJ Party with the hot and fresh dj scarlett
at Perla-Mode:
- 6 pm: doors open
- 7 pm-9:30 pm: opening, with the generous support of Appenzeller Bier
- 9:30 pm: DJ Party with dj scarlett
- 6 pm-11 pm: opening party
Invitation card / poster: download as PDF for viewing on-screen (150 dpi; 2.4 MB) or for printing (300 dpi; 6.6 MB)
A special publication in limited edition on the occasion of the exhibition is in preparation, broadening the scope of the exhibition with art works by the participating artists and theoretical texts; edited by Cathérine Hug, Dimitrina Sevova, Alain Kessi, published in collaboration with code flow.
The project is realized in collaboration with Perla-Mode, Dienstgebäude and corner college.
Special thanks to all participating artists, performers, lecturers, to Esther Eppstein, Andreas Marti, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Urs Lehni, Alain Kessi, Sibylle Kayser, Gregory Siegl, Viola Thiele, Anna Voswinckel and Cornel Windlin!
And a big thank you to our sponsor for the opening event for their generous support: Appenzeller Bier.
Dimitrina Sevova, sevo(at)kein.org
Cathérine Hug, catherinehug(at)gmx.ch
Isabel Reiss, klausjunior(at)gmx.net
Web design and programming by code flow
Design and layout of all PR materials by code flow
The idea of the project is not to “advocate here something like a ‘return to nature’ ”. Rather to devote our energy to transgressing the limited formal vocabulary upon which our own privileges as participants in the present consumer culture stand. Language magnifies the human perception of reality. Interesting to us are the shady places in which the categorical boundaries between human and animal are blurred. Of particular importance is a consideration of the history of modernity as a project of progress in which “animals figured principally as a resource for human progress.” Following present debates around the social and cultural forces of change, we witness how perceptions in a broader public space are altered towards “respect for the animal being” as this space opens up under the confrontation of our immediate reality with the digital and global dynamic environment of a planet in crisis, reaching the limits of natural resources. These shape conceptual horizons in which humans do not perceive themselves as total owners of the environment. We share a special commitment to creating a cultural ecosystem in which a variety of ideas co-exist and interact without giving rise to linear structures, without turning into ideological clichés.

Invitation card / poster: download as PDF for viewing on-screen (150 dpi; 2.4 MB) or for printing (300 dpi; 6.6 MB)